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Testing Testing One Two….



Hello is anybody out there?  if there is, or if you have somehow waded through the superabundance of online content and have accidentally stumbled onto this site, then thank you for being here.

it’s safe to say that 2020 has been the year many of us would like to forget and with three months left of it who knows what else is in store. My money’s on zombie apocalypse, anyhow one thing is for certain and that is that it has given us plenty of time to think, to re-evaluate and to re-invent ourselves. Personally, not being able to head out to my usual markets to sell my literary wares has been a hard pill to swallow. I am however very lucky to have a “normal” day job to fall back on and I appreciate that there are many who have not been as lucky as I have throughout this and the road to economic recovery will be a hard and long one.

It dawned on me this week during one of my usual bouts of re-invention and re-evaluation that I’ve had this site up and running for a good three years now. And while it’s great having an online platform to sell books from during these times of isolation, as hard as that’s been when you are but a bit player in a sea of mega platforms cough* Amazon cough*, I realised that I have foolishly neglected the blog side of things.

I have decided to be a little more proactive about this, so starting this week (If my new found proactivity holds up) I will endeavour to add a weekly post about whatever book I have been reading or have read in the past. This may be a review, analisys or general thoughts about what I’ve been reading.

I must however add a caveat. I am by no means a critic or much less hold a doctorate in literary analysis but like most of us I enjoy reading and being in lockdown has further re-inforced my love of literature. So while my blog entries may not be on par with the most critical and deeply analytical articles out there, I will provide commentary on what I get out of the books I have read. I hope to at least show what it is I and many like myself love about literature and what it is that keeps us coming back to this, some would say, outdated form of entertainment. At the very least, I guess this will serve as my own personal record of my reading so that I may look at any given post and re-visit that book I read months or even years ago. I’ve often been asked about a certain book which I have read but cannot for the life of me remember some of the details. So enough said and watch this space.


I hope you’ll join me.

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